Sacramento Mental Health Urgent Care Clinic (MHUCC)
MENTAL HEALTH URGENT CARE CLINIC (MHUCC) provides services on a voluntary, walk-in basis to Sacramento County residents of all ages who are experiencing a mental health and/or co-occurring substance abuse crisis, regardless of their ability to pay. MHUCC is an alternative to emergency departments for those in crisis or experiencing an urgent mental health need and seeking mental health care.
Sacramento Mental Health Urgent Care Clinic (MHUCC)
Phone: (916) 520-2460
Fax: (916) 520-2459
Address: 2130 Stockton Blvd, #300, Sacramento, CA 95817
Hours of Operation
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Medication consultation available in person or via telepsych as deemed necessary!
Please note that the clinic does not prescribe controlled medications
Services Provided
• Psychiatric medication evaluation (excluding controlled medications)
• Integrated co-occurring mental health and substance abuse crisis assessment
• Crisis intervention and problem solving to avert the need for inpatient hospitalization
• Referral and linkage to on-going services and community supports
• Peer and family support
How to get involved
Walk-in’s welcome for this community-based resource.
No referral required.
Funding Information
Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services through the voter-approved Proposition 63, Mental health Services Act (MHSA), and the SB 82 Mental Health Wellness Grant.